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Action Log


This action log sets out requests for information and actions required by the Scrutiny Panel. Any requests for information that do not relate to a specific agenda item will be published on the Future Oxfordshire Partnership website alongside the next available Scrutiny Panel Agenda, except where that information requires the disclosure of exempt information, as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Date raised by the Panel



Member / Officer

Panel Updated/

Discussed on


Progress Notes


Breakdown of new build private house sales to show if residents are moving from within Oxfordshire or outside the county.

Paul Staines, Interim Head of Programme


Completed – see Appendix 1 attached to this document.


Delegated authority for Cllr Miles, Neil and Hicks to engage and liaise with OxLEP and the University of Oxford re gated authority to further engage with Prof Bountra, Dr Clare and

Richard Byard to seek to identify and communicate specific innovations that local

authorities should be aware of that specifically linked to the remit of the Future Oxfordshire


Cllr Miles/Kevin Jacob


Response by the Future Oxfordshire Partnership, (FOP) on 22 March that OxLEP (which has membership of this board) leads on this work and develops a strategy: engaging with the FOP, universities, and local authorities, where appropriate.


This work is still evolving and it is not recommended that any further be undertaken at this time by the Panel. However, initial enquiries are taking place with OxLEP to see if it would be possible to draft a list or map setting out the different departments/colleges of both universities and their specialisms where it could be appropriate for the universities and local authorities to collaborate regarding innovation.   




Production of a summary briefing note covering the history and current position of the Oxford to Cambridge Arc

Andrew Down, Future Oxfordshire Partnership Director

